Lion Finance works globally to improve the life standard of the less fortunates by offering them easy financing service at highly affordable and flexible interest rate
Removing poverty is the primary mission of Lion Finance. We offer all types of financial support to these hardworking and dedicated people to help them establish their own financial future.
Our vision is to create a better nation which will be free from all types of poverty-driven illegal activities. We want every person to be financially self-dependent
Lion Finance regularly donates a part of its profit to the non-profit organizations that dedicated works for the less fortunate peoples. We also welcome donation from our members and clients
Lion Finance is a reputed financing company established by a group of highly experienced entrepreneurs to offer the poor but hardworking people a way to earn their own bread and butter more independently. Where the loaning procedure in most of the banks is too much complicated, we offer simplified and flexible loan sanctioning method to our customers. No matter you want to purchase a vehicle, need money for farming products or want to start a group business, Lion Finance is always there to support you. Just visit our bank and our executives will be there to guide you through the process.
Lion Finance has worked with several non-profit organizations to improve the life standard of the below poverty people and bring them the main stream. Visit our Gallery page to check the photographs of the social works for which we have worked.